Deceitful Hearts 20

Chapter twenty

Martin’s acquiescence lasted about 15 minutes. As he sat at his desk trying to get work done, he got progressively more and more angry, and he wasn’t sure what he was angry about or whom he wanted to punch out. He only knew he was beginning to feel as though a pressure valve had blown and he was about to explode into some sort of terrible rage.

What is it? He thought. What is the matter with me?

The answer came easily. It’s simple. You’re in love.

He choked. The words came to him like a real voice talking briskly into his ear.

In love? No. In like, definitely. In quite a bit of lust. But love?

Yes. You might as well face it. You’re in love.

If he was in love, that would mean he wanted to have Mona as his wife — that he wanted to sleep by her side, to make love with her every night, to share her hopes and fears, to hear her laugh, to hold her when she cried, to have children and grow old together.… To his surprise, it all sounded pretty good. In fact, it sounded darn good. Sitting where he was, he began to smile.

Yes. I’m in love.

Bounding out of his chair, he headed for the elevator, then changed his mind and jogged to the stairs. Bursting into the conference room where Mona had her work set up, he found her talking to a pretty young account assistant named Joni, and Aira, another employee.

“Excuse us,” he said as he stepped between them and took Mona into his arms. “We have an unfinished kiss to take care of.”

Mona was too surprised to put up much of a fight and he got her in a deep bend and began to kiss her with passion and gusto.

The two women were stunned for only a moment, then Joni laughed and said, “Hey, this is a place of business, you know.”

Martin looked up and said, “Don’t mind us. We’re on break.” And he went back to kissing the woman he loved.

“Oh, I see.” Joni gave Aira a comical look and nodded toward the door. “We get the picture. Catch ya later.” And they departed, chuckling as they went.

“Martin!” Mona struggled, coming up for air and laughing at the same time. “What are you doing?”

“Kissing you,” he told her helpfully. “I’m going to kiss you into submission, and then I’m going to make you agree to marry me.”

“You…what?” She felt dizzy.

He smiled at her lovingly. “Mona, I can’t let you go. Don’t you see that?”

“Martin, I thought I explained. There’s too much…”

He didn’t let her finish. “You’re wrong, Mona. This is between you and me. This has no more to do with what your sister has done than it does with the fact that my mother wants me to get married.”

She squinted at him. “Martin, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I want to marry you. And not because of my mother. In fact, I want to marry you in spite of my mother. And in spite of your sister. If my mother turned against you tomorrow, it wouldn’t make any difference in how I feel about you. If Liza robs a bank today, it won’t matter. No one else matters in this, Mona. It’s you and me.”

“You and me?” That sounded so good. Could she trust it?

“You and me.”

He slipped his hand into his pocket and brought out an antique diamond ring that caught the light and sent sparks around the room. “My mother noticed I hadn’t given you a ring yet. She wants me to give you this one. It’s been in our family for over 100 years.”

Mona drew in her breath, staring at the beautiful piece of jewelry. “Oh, Martin, I can’t.…”

“Yes, you can.” He slipped it on her finger. “You realize what this means, don’t you? My mother believes in you. She believes in us.” He dropped a soft kiss on her lips. “How about it, Mona?” he said softly. “Do you believe in us?”

She looked at the sparkling light on her finger, then looked into his sparkling eyes. “Oh, yes,” she breathed, sinking into his embrace. “I believe.”

She said it like a promise and he sealed it with a long, loving kiss.



The End


(I am not familiar with the other S2P characters that’s why I used some of bcwmh characters here. I hope it’s okay.)

This story is adapted from ‘Blackmailed By The Boss’ By Raye Morgan


3 thoughts on “Deceitful Hearts 20

  1. Finally Martin realizes that he is in love with Mona and Mona reluctantly loves him too but bcuz of situations she doesn’t want to go on. Martin became insistent and gave her one of the Cos heirloom to prove his intentions. Thank you Xiaoxin. Take care.

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