Unplanned 20

Chapter Twenty

‘You can do this, Maya. You can do this. One more push and we’ll have our baby. Come on, sweetheart. You can do this. I can see the head.’ If there’d ever been a more excited father, Maya hadn’t met him.

Exhausted but equally excited, she took a deep breath and pushed down hard. This was so…so… much more than she’d ever… ‘Oh! Oh!’

‘Come on, sweetheart. Yes! He’s…he’s… he’s a she! She’s a girl. We have a girl. We have a daughter. sweetheart, we have a daughter! Hello, there. I’m your daddy. Wow.’

There was a catch in Richard’s voice as he expertly cut the cord and lifted the tiny squawking bundle into her arms. The midwives had left them alone in the birthing suite so it was just the three of them. Such a precious moment. ‘Yoda, meet your mom.’

For the last two months Richard had proved to her with every breath just how committed he was to staying by her side. They’d taken things slowly, but she couldn’t imagine her life without him now. Some days she pinched herself; things had turned out so perfectly. Their recent wedding had been small and intimate and beautiful, befitting any great wedding planner, and even though they’d had no time for a honeymoon, every day was so special and she felt so treasured it was almost as if her life was one long honeymoon.

Until today. Of course. Nothing prepared you for this. The way her heart felt so full. The way her husband had coached her through, with reassurance and patience and unshakeable belief that she would do so well. She’d forgotten the pain already. Well, almost.

For an accomplished and talented baby doctor, Richard had also done a great job of being the anxious husband and nervous father. Right now his hands were trembling and his eyes were wet and Maya didn’t think she could ever love him more.

Funny how the right thing really can also be the best thing.

‘Hello, beautiful lady. Oh, look at you making mummy’s heart melt.’ Ten fingers, ten toes, a dela Rosa nose, a Lim chin and wide, searching eyes like mummy’s; their baby was the most perfect, the most precious, the most beautiful bub that had ever existed.

Although Maya may well have been a little bit biased. ‘Don’t you dare call her Yoda. She’s gorgeous.’

‘Just like her mom.’ Richard pressed his mouth onto hers. Something she hoped her gorgeous husband would never ever stop doing. His arms were entwined with hers in a muddle of a hug, their baby in the middle, snuggling and cooing. ‘I love you. I love you so much sweetheart.’

‘I couldn’t have done it without you. I love you so much, sweetheart.’

It was amazing what could happen if you opened your heart. Instead of struggling through this alone she’d found her second chance at love. Their first chance at being the parents they never had.

And a perfect family of three. Richard, Maya and Abby.






***There will be no epilogue for this one. Sorry busy lang talaga.***

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