Office Mischief – 16 (Finale)

Chapter Sixteen (Finale)


(Well, “The End”)


One year later…

“Subject: My Boss.

Have I told you that I love my boss today?

One hundred percent brilliant and super kind to everyone, she doesn’t make me get her dry cleaning, get her coffee, or do anything that my former bosses (Yes, plural) used to do…

I have two meetings this morning and I can honestly say I’m looking forward to them because they both involve things I really enjoy.

I’m pretty sure I can get used to this.

Your girlfriend,


“Subject: Re: My Boss.

No, you haven’t told me that you love your boss today, but seeing as though you’re technically your own boss, I hope this will always be the case.

Your boss at Microsoft was far worse than I ever was. (I’m actually proud of you for quitting that place after three months.)

If one of the meetings you’re referring to is the one in my office where we’ll be doing some mischief again, good to know you enjoy it. (I also look forward to doing it. Always.)

I’m not sure if I’ll ever get used to this.

(When do you plan on changing your closing signature? I still can’t believe you turned me down the first time I asked you.)

Richard Lim,

CEO, Lim Publishing”

“Subject: Re: Re: My Boss.

Get over it Richard.

And to answer your question…

Later. Yes. Later. So you better be ready!

See you in five minutes.

Maya dela Rosa,

CEO, Dela Rosa Publishing”

I closed my email with a big smile on my face while staring at the diamond ring I’ll be slipping on her finger in five minutes.

I’ve always dreamed of seeing little girls who, of course, would look like their very beautiful mom (and I hope as strong-willed and feisty but very loving too) and little boys like their most handsome, sexy-as-hell (as my future wife calls me) dad.

I am making that happen soon.

The End.

*there’s no epilogue. Thanks for reading. 😊

This is adapted from “Naughty Boss by Whitney G”

6 thoughts on “Office Mischief – 16 (Finale)

  1. Good evening Xiaoxin. The End na pala. That;s quick. anyway at least nagkasundo na ang 2 and Richard learn his lesson to respect Maya. Thank you so much for giving us our favorite R & M story once more. I will be waiting for another one. CHEERS.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Thank you so much Xiaoxin, it ended so fast bcuz of the double treats we had. A bit funny and quite intimidating boss he was but Maya fought him after a year of hard work. And she became his boss after another year. Ha, ha, ha. Looking forward to another awesome story soon Xiaoxin! Cheers!

    Liked by 3 people

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